Things to Check When Selecting Medical Courier Service in NYC

Not all courier companies are trained and equipped to deliver medical specimens and supplies, so you need to be meticulous when choosing a medical courier in NYC. Here are some of the most important things that you need to check before hiring a courier. 


First, the company should have the necessary HIPAA certification to provide medical courier services in the area and to show that they are fully compliant with rules set by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The certification proves that they have received or completed the necessary training to deliver sensitive medical-related shipments while observing proper procedures and ensuring safety. 


You can’t go wrong with a company with the Exemplary Provider®-accredited status from The Compliance Team, Inc. or other trusted industry organizations. This way, you can ensure that they can demonstrate outstanding customer service and patient care practices and compliance with comprehensive quality standards.

Experienced messengers

You also need to check the experience of their messengers. They must be professional lab couriers who are knowledgeable and well-trained when it comes handling different types of medical packages. They should be compassionate and have a sense of urgency, especially because they are dealing with critically important cargo. 

Courier vehicle 

The right medical courier service in NYC transports medical supplies and specimens using the correct vehicle. Their medical trucks and vans are modern and equipped with state-of-the-art features and technology needed to maintain the specimen’s integrity, protect medical machines, surgical instruments, pharmaceutical supplies and more. 

Safety and security protocols 

Experienced medical courier service NYC providers understand that confidentiality is important when delivering medical items. So, before choosing a medical courier, ask about their ethical standards and protocols when it comes to securing client information. 


Because medical emergencies can happen any time, you need to find a medical courier that is available 24/7. You want a courier that is always ready to pick up and deliver your medical items to labs, hospitals, pharmacies, and other destinations any time and any day, and one that will even offer flexible scheduling to suit your requirements.

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